Tuesday, May 5, 2009

mappings for asian urbanism class...

for some who talk to me in this week and the week before or have my msn in the list, will surely know that i was busy as hell and totally pissed with the mappings goin on for the asian urbanism class... there are basically three mapping techniques that i was assigned to used: expanded field, emergent architecture and UAL (urban architecture laboratory)

so, before i started talking bout difference of mapping techniques, i'll just briefly talk about the site that i was mapping at, its Urahara, the pedestrian streets at Harajuku in Tokyo, and i was kinda looking at how the system works by mapping all the shits out... according to the sheets given, expanded field mapping is about mapping out the nature of engagement, recordings of ephemeral stuffs and changes over time (flood patterns, rivers, water systems) in relation to the place...

(*click on pics for bigger version and explaination of each map)

then its emergent architecture mapping technique, which is system intrinsic to city or building or program or recordings of more invinsible stuffs like forces acting on a particular place

lastly, its UAL mapping technique, which focuses on direct engagement with contemporary urbanism, how people use certain spaces, and confronting difficult urban problems that have no obvious answer...

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